GLOBAL 140.004

Special Topics in Global Societies and Cultures: Mapping Diasporas

GLOBAL 140 Special Topics in Global Societies and Cultures

Room share with Jewish 121

Instructor: Francesco Spagnolo

Class #: 31985

Units/Credit: 3

Time/Location: Wed: 2:00-5:00pm – 2121 Allston Way

Final Exam Group: 6 – Tu: 5/14/2019 – 8:00-11:00am

Describing the interaction of places, times, languages, identities, cultural formats, dominant and marginal narratives that characterize cultures in diaspora requires a multidimensionality that traditional maps no longer meet.

In today’s world, we “map” diasporas through digital narratives , and often perform culture as archivists and curators .

In this course, students will work with the cultural objects held in The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life , including art, material culture, books, manuscripts, digital assets and data, learning to conduct collaborative research and documentation, to create maps and narratives, and to curate, perform and publish their findings in museum galleries and online .

Each week in the semester combines critical approaches and orienting texts with the exploration of a variety of tools and cultural practices.

For the most up to date information, please visit the Online Schedule of Classes.