


Note that the below listed courses are only suggested courses, based on recent offerings. For other possible courses, please check with the Graduate Assistant and the Chair of the Global Studies MA Program. Courses change on a regular basis; it is important that you check relevant departments every semester.

List A: SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSES.  Social Science Course Options (all students must take at least 2 courses from this list, at least one of which must be at the 200-level)

AFRICAM 112A                                Political and Economic Development in the Third World
AFRICAM 112B                                Political and Economic Development in the Third World
AFRICAM 201D                                Theories of the African Diaspora

ANTHRO C147B                               Sexuality, Culture, and Colonialism
ANTHRO 240                                    Fundamentals of Anthropological Theory
ANTHRO 250V                                  Seminar in Social and Cultural Anthropology: Tourism
ANTHRO 250X                                  Special Topics in Social and Cultural Anthropology

ARCH 111                                          Housing: An International Perspective
ARCH 219A                                       Design and Housing in the Developing World (Special Topics course)
ARCH 233                                          Architectures of Globalization

A,RESEC C253                                  International Economic Development Policy

CY PLAN 111                                     Housing: An International Survey
CY PLAN 115                                     Urbanization in Developing Countries
CY PLAN 223                                    Economic Development Planning
CY PLAN 228                                     Workshop in Regional Planning
CY PLAN 231                                     Housing in Developing Countries
CY PLAN 260                                    Theory, History, and Practice of Community Development
CY PLAN 271                                    Development Theories and Practices
CY PLAN 275                                    Third World Urban Development Issues and Policy Options

DEMOG C175                                  Economic Demography

DEMOG C275A                               Economic Demography

DEV STD C100/GEOG C112          History of Development and Underdevelopment

DEV STD 130                                    Cross-Listed Topics — Development Studies
DEV STD 150                                    Advanced Studies in Development Studies

ECON 100A                                       Economic Analysis (Micro)

ECON 101A                                       Economic Theory (Micro)

ECON 100B                                       Economic Analysis (Macro)

ECON 101B                                       Economic Theory (Macro)

ECON 104                                         Advanced Microeconomic Theory

ECON C171/ ENVECON C151       Economic Development

ECON 181                                         International Trade
ECON 201A                                       Economic Theory

ECON 201B                                       Economic Theory

ECON 202A                                       Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 202B                                       Macroeconomic Theory

ECON 208                                         Microeconomic Theory Seminar
ECON 210A                                       Introduction to Economic History

ECON 215A                                       Political Economics

ECON 215B                                       Political Economics

ECON 260A                                       Comparative Economics

ECON 270A                                       Macroeconomics and Development

ECON 270B                                       Development Economics

ECON 270C                                       Development Economics

ECON 271                                         Seminar in Development Economics

ECON 274                                          Global Poverty and Impact Evaluation

ECON 280A                                       International Economics

ECON 280B                                       International Economics
ECON 280C                                       International Economics
ECON 281                                         Seminar in International Trade and Finance

ENVECON 100                                 Microeconomic Theory with Application to Natural and Policy Resources

ENVECON 131                                  Globalization and the Natural Environment

ENVECON 152                                  Advanced Topics in Development and International Trade

ENVECON 153                                  Population, Environment, and Development

ENE,RES 175                                     Water and Development

ENE,RES C176                                  Climate Change Economics

ENE,RES 190                                     Seminar in Energy and Resource Issues

ENE,RES C200                                  Energy and Society
ENE,RES C221                                  Climate, Energy, and Development

ENE,RES C271                                  Energy and Development

ESPM 163AC                                     Environmental Justice: Race Poverty and the Environment
ESPM 165                                         International Rural Development Policy

ESPM 167                                         Environmental Health and Development
ESPM 217                                          Political Economy of Climate Change
ESPM 230                                          Sociology of Agriculture

ESPM 260                                          Governance of Global Production
ESPM C282                                       Health Implications of Climate Change

GEOG 104                                         The City in the Third World

GEOG 130                                         Food and the Environment

GEOG 135                                         Water Resources and the Environment

GEOG 137                                         Top Ten Global Environmental Problems

GEOG 138                                         Global Environmental Politics

GEOG 138                                         Political Ecology of the Third World
GEOG 214                                         Development Theories and Practices

GEOG 215                                         Seminar in Comparative and International Development
GEOG 220                                         Capital, Value, and Scale
GEOG 251                                         Topics in Cultural Geography
GEOG 252                                         Topics in Economic Geography

HISTORY 160                                    International Economy of the 20th Century
HISTORY 275                                    Core Courses in the Literature of the Several Fields
HISTORY 280                                    Advanced Studies

IAS 106/206                                     Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

IAS 107/207                                      Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

MBA 201B                                         Macroeconomics in the Global Economy

MBA 218B                                        Theory and Institutions of International Trade

MBA 270                                           Business and Public Policy

MBA 277                                           Special Topics in Business and Public Policy

POLECON 100                                  Classical Theories of Political Economy
POLECON 101                                  Contemporary Theories of Political Economy
POLECON 150                                  Advanced Study in Political Economy

POLECON 160                                  Political Economy in Historical Context

POL SCI 124A                                   War and Politics in History

POL SCI 138B                                   Politics of Market Economics: The National Roots of the Global Economy

POL SCI 138G                                   National Success and Failure in the Age of Globalization

POL SCI 139E                                    Varieties of Capitalism

POL SCI 139C                                    Selected Issues of Development Politics

POL SCI 200A                                    Major Themes in Comparative Analysis
POL SCI 201A                                    Comparative Analysis of Industrial Democracies
POL SCI 203                                      Urban and Subnational Politics in Developing Countries
POL SCI 209A                                   Comparative Political Economy

POL SCI 210                                      Selected Topics in Comparative Politics

POL SCI 220A                                    Theories of International Relations
POL SCI 222                                      Religion and International Relations

POL SCI 223                                      Selected Topics in International Relations
POL SCI 224                                      Sociological Traditions in International Relations

POL SCI 228                                      Civil Conflict and International Intervention

POL SCI 226A                                   International Political Economy
POL SCI 249P                                    Special Topics in Area Studies

PB HLTH 206D                                  Food and Nutrition Programs and Policies in Dev. Countries

PB HLTH 212A                                  International Maternal and Child Health
PB HLTH 212C                                  Health and Social Policy in Mexico and Latin America

PB HLTH 212D                                 Experimental Foundations of Global Health

PB HLTH 213A                                  Family Planning, Population Change, and Health

PB HLTH 220E                                  Global Health Policy

PB HLTH 226D                                  Global Health Economics

PB HLTH 226C                                  Public Health and the Economy

PB HLTH 259B                                  Practical Applications of Epidemiologic Methods in Developing


PB HLTH 260F                                  Infectious Disease Research in Developing Countries

PB HLTH 271D                                 Global Burden of Disease and Comparative Risk Assessment

PUB POL 117AC                               Race, Ethnicity, and Public Policy

PUB POL C221                                  Climate, Energy, and Development

PUB POL 251                                    Microeconomic Organization and Policy Analysis

PUB POL C253                                 International Economic Development Policy

SOCIOL 205S                                     Social Movements
SOCIOL 205U                                    Society and the Environment
SOCIOL 280C                                    Political Sociology
SOCIOL 280H                                    Development and Modernization
SOCIOL 280J                                     Urban Sociology
SOCIOL 280X                                    Immigration and Incorporation

SOCIOL 280X                                    Immigration and Incorporation

SOCIOL 280Y                                    Sociology of Globalization

GWS 144                                           Alternate Sexualities in a Transnational World

GWS 236                                           Diaspora, Border, and Transnational Identities

UGBA    118                                      International Trade

List B: Area Studies (all students must take at least 2 courses from this list, at least one of which must be at the 200-level). There may be additional courses offered each semester; these can get approved by the Global Studies Graduate Advisor. Please note that there are many special topics classes, so students should check with relevant departments for current semester offerings.


AFRICAM 201D                                Theories of the African Diaspora

AFRICAM 241                                   Special Topics in Development Studies of the Diaspora

AFRICAM 242                                   Special Topics in African Linguistics

ANTHRO 183                                    Topics in the Anthropological Study of Africa

ANTHRO 280B                                  Seminars in Area Studies: Africa

ECON 270B                                       Development Economics

HISTORY 112B                                 Modern Africa
HISTORY 280H                                 Africa
HISTORY 285H                                 Africa

POL SCI 146A                                   African Politics

POL SCI 146B                                   African Politics

POL SCI 146C                                    Conflict and Change in South Africa

POL SCI 210                                      Selected Topics in Comparative Politics*


ANTHRO 170                                   China

ANTHRO 171                                    Japan

ANTHRO C184                                 South Asia

ANTHRO 186                                    Southeast Asia

ANTHRO C186                                 Southeast Asia

ANTHRO 280C                                 South Asia

ANTHRO 280D                                 Seminar in Area Studies: China

CHINESE 188                                    Popular Culture in 20th-Century China
CHINESE 222                                    Early Chinese Thought
CHINESE 230                                    Seminar in Chinese Literary History

CHINESE 280                                    Modern Chinese Cultural Studies

EALC 204                                           Topics in East Asian Studies

ECON 162                                         Economics of Transition and Development: China

GEOG 153                                         What Is in a Rim? Geography of Soc and Econ Development in E. Asia

GEOG 163                                         Southeast Asia

GEOG 164                                         The Geography of Economic Development in China

HISTORY C111B                               Modern Southeast Asia

HISTORY C111C                               Political and Cultural History of Vietnam

HISTORY 113B                                 Modern Korean History

HISTORY 114B                                 Modern South Asia

HISTORY 116                                    China

HISTORY 116D                                 Twentieth-Century China

HISTORY 118                                    Japan
HISTORY C231                                  Japanese Studies: Past, Present, and Future
HISTORY 275F                                  Core Courses in Literature: Asia
HISTORY 280F                                  Advanced Studies: Asia
HISTORY 285F                                  Research Seminar: Asia

JOURN 237                                       Reporting on Japan

POL SCI 143A                                   Northeast Asian Politics

POL SCI 143B                                    Northeast Asian Politics
POL SCI 143D                                   Democracy and China

POL SCI 144B                                   Politics of Divided Korea

POL SCI 145A                                   South Asian Politics

POL SCI 243B                                   Political Authority and Economic Exchange in East Asia

POL SCI 243C                                    Japanese Politics

POL SCI 244C                                   Approaches to Chinese Politics
POL SCI 245A                                   South Asian Politics

POL SCI 245B                                    International Relations in East Asia

RELIGST C162                                   Religion in South India

RELIGST C163                                   Religious Movements in Modern India

SOCIOL C183                                   China in the 1990s: Reporting the Contradictions
SOCIOL 280P                                    Advanced Study: Area Studies

S,SEASN 120                                     Topics in South and Southeast Asian Studies

S,SEASN C186                                  Southeast Asia

S,SEASN 190                                     Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies

S,SEASN 250                                     Seminar in South and Southeast Asian Studies
S,SEASN 290                                     Special Studies South Asian Studies

S ASIAN 108                                     Psychology and Traditional India
S ASIAN C128                                   Religious Movements in Modern India

S ASIAN C145                                   South Asia

SEASIAN C141B                               Modern Southeast Asia

SEASIAN C141C                               Political and Cultural History of Vietnam



ANTHRO  180                                   European Society

ECON 161                                         Economics of Transition: Eastern Europe

ECON 210B                                       Topics in European Economic HISTORY

ECON 211                                          Seminar in Economic HISTORY
ECON 280B                                       International Economics

EUST 201                                           European Institutions and Social Conflicts

GERMAN 160C                                 East Germany: Politics and Culture

GERMAN 160D                                Multicultural Germany

GERMAN 176                                   German Cultural History in a European Context

GERMAN 270                                   History of the German Language

HISTORY 151                                    Britain, 1848-1997

HISTORY 158                                    Modern Europe
HISTORY 159A                                 European Economic History
HISTORY 159B                                  European Economic History

HISTORY 164                                    Social History of Western Europe

HISTORY 165                                    Topics in Modern European History

HISTORY 166                                    Modern France

HISTORY167                                     Modern Germany

HISTORY 168                                    Spain and Portugal

HISTORY 170C                                  Poles and Others: The Making of Modern Poland

HISTORY 171                                    Russia

HISTORY 171C                                  The Soviet Union, 1917 to the Present

HISTORY 172                                    Topics in Russian History

HISTORY 173C                                  History of Eastern Europe: From 1900 to the Present

HISTORY 175                                    Topics in the History of Eastern Europe

HISTORY 177                                    Armenia

HISTORY 190                                    Society and the Sexes in Europe and the US, 1750 to the


HISTORY 275B                                 Europe
HISTORY 280B                                 Europe

HISTORY 285B                                  Europe

LEGALST 171                                    European Legal History

POL SCI 122A                                   Politics of European Integration
POL SCI 129B                                   Russia After Communism

POL SCI 247A                                    Western European Politics

POL SCI 247G                                   Comparative Politics of the Welfare State

SLAVIC 100                                       Seminar: Russian, East European, and Eurasian Cultures

and Literatures (SLAVIC)

SLAVIC  158                                      Topics in East European/Eurasian Cultural


SLAVIC 242                                       Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature
SLAVIC 245B                                     Russian Modernism
SLAVIC 246B                                     Contemporary Russian Literature
SLAVIC 285                                       Eastern Christianity


ANTHRO 176                                    Contemporary Latin America

ANTHRO 177                                    Mexico and Central America

CHICANO 159                                   Mexican Immigration

CHICANO 163                                   Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the US

CHICANO 165                                   Cuba, the US, and Cuban Americans

GEOG 156                                         Political Economy and Historical Geography of Latin

American Development

GEOG C157                                       Central American Peoples and Cultures

GEOG 158                                         The Caribbean Region

GEOG 159AC                                    The Southern Border

HISTORY 140B                                 Modern Mexico

HISTORY 141                                    Social History of Latin America

HISTORY 275E                                  Core Courses: Latin America

HISTORY 280E                                  Advanced Studies: Latin America

HISTORY 285E                                  Research Seminar: Latin America


POL SCI 148A                                   Latin American Politics

POL SCI 148B                                   Latin American Politics
POL SCI 248A                                   Latin American Politics

PB HLTH 212C                                  Migration and Health in US and Mexico

SOCIOL 145L                                     Social Change in Latin America

SOCIOL 205P                                    Supervised Course Work: Area Studies

SPANISH C178                                 Cultural Studies

SPANISH 232                                    Colonial Spanish American Literature
SPANISH 234A                                  Modern Spanish American Poetry

SPANISH 280                                    Seminar in Spanish American Literature




ANTHRO 181                                    Themes in the Anthropology of the Middle East and Islam

ARCH 175                                          Islamic Architecture

GWS 142                                           Women in the Muslim and Arab Worlds

HISTORY 109C                                  The Middle East From the 18th Century to the Present

HISTORY 275E                                  Core Courses: Asia

HISTORY 280E                                  Advanced Studies: Asia

HISTORY 285E                                  Research Seminar: Asia

LEGALST174                                      Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel

MES 150                                            Special Topics in Middle Eastern Studies

NESTUD 146A                                   Islam

NESTUD 146B                                   Islam

NESTUD 290A                                   Special Studies: Near Eastern Studies

POL SCI 142A                                   Middle East Politics

POL SCI 249A-C                                Special Topics in Area Studies

SOCIOL 189                                       Sociology of the Middle East

SOCIOL 280C                                    Political Sociology

Global Studies Major Map

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