Advanced Study in Political Economy of Industrial Societies

POLECON 150 Advanced Study in Political Economy of Industrial Societies: Women and Development in Transitional China

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and background in political economy or related social sciences

CCN: 71248

Units/Credit: 4

Time/Location: TuTh 9:30-11AM, 121 WHEELER

Final Exam Group: WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2016 11:30-2:30PM

Instructor: Lanchih Po

What is development? How does the process of economic development reshape gender relations? What are its impacts on women? Using post-reform China as an empirical case, this class reviews and revisits the gender critique of development since the 1970s. Major issues include the role of women in production and reproduction, gendered labor and income structure, gendered migration processes, and so on. This class aims to improve students’ understanding of both gender theory and China’s contemporary gender issues.

For the most up to date information, please visit the Online Schedule of Classes.