Quick Advising & Related Forms
- Meet with a Global Studies Advisor
- Students’ Guide to Academic Honesty & Fairness (PDF file)
- How do I calculate my GPA? (PDF file)
- Conditions to Declare a Major (PDF file)(link is external)
Special Classes Forms
Students interested in conducting Special Field Research (196) or a Supervised Field Study (197) should consult with a Global Studies advisor, who will provide the appropriate forms and information.
Requesting Course Credit
- Transferring Coursework to UC Berkeley (PDF file)
- To find out which lower-division requirements can be fulfilled at a California community college for your major, visit assist.org.(link is external)
- Course Substitution and Waiver Approval Form (PDF file)
DeCal Courses
Getting a DeCal approved requires several steps which must be completed accurately and on time.
A complete DeCal Course Proposal must reach a Global Studies advisor by:
- November 1st, for a DeCal offered for the Spring semester
- March 30th, for a DeCal offered for the Fall semester
Begin by reading our current policy (PDF file) on the sponsorship of DeCal courses. Please note that Global Studies policies and deadlines may differ from those of other campus departments and from the DeCal website and office personnel.
Other useful websites to reference:
- DeCal website(link is external)
- UC Berkeley Student Learning Center's Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training and Resources(link is external)
- Academic Senate's Student-Facilitated Course Information(link is external)
Remember, if you are interested in teaching a DeCal through Global Studies, have questions, or need help, please contact an undergraduate major advisor.